Research Committee
Kfog Research Committee
Introduction: The Research committee of KFOG was formed as a committee of KFOG to exclusively function to promote research activity among the members and institutions. The aim was to bring in the current knowledge and updates to the clinical practice and modify the practice protocols effectively, based on the research outcomes of the projects, undertaken by the committee from time to time.
Terms of Reference
The Research Committee is a Committee of KFOG and reports directly to the President and Secretary General of KFOG as per the instructions and guidance of the managing committee of KFOG
- The Chairperson of the committee
- President of KFOG
- Secretary General KFOG
- Nominated members from member bodies (two member per member bodies
- Heads of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Medical Colleges in the state of Kerala, where the postgraduate programs in OB-GYN are in place.
- Others may be invited to be in attendance as appropriate by the Chair
The main functions of the Research Committee are:
- To formulate policy on all research related matters which impact on the strategic objectives of KFOG.
- To consider and make recommendations on matters of policy relating to research including matters referred to it by the managing committee.
- To review and oversee the implementation on KFOG’s policy on research ethics.
- To monitor, primarily through the feedback mechanism of the Research Forum 2 , the relevance and efficacy of established policy – addressing shortcomings and abnormalities so as to facilitate high quality research activities within the College structures.
- To oversee quality assurance and improvement measures in respect of research activity, including the efficacy of research quality measures.
- To recommend managing committee for allocating research funds and monitor their implementation
- To advisory subcommittees as and when required
Meetings, Quorum and Sub-Committees
- The Research Committee shall meet once per term or more frequently if the business requiring its attention should so dictate.
- The quorum for meetings shall be 50% of the membership plus one.
- The Committee may also invite any Officer of the College, or other person to attend any meeting(s) of the Committee, as it may from time to time consider desirable, to assist the Committee in the attainment of its objectives.
- The Committee may also invite any individual/organisation, or other person to attend any meeting(s) of the Committee, as it may from time to time consider desirable, to assist the Committee in the attainment of its objectives.
- All the Research projects will be in accordance with the Research Ethics Policy
- The committee operates upon the instructions of managing committee only
- The Committee may investigate any matter falling within its terms of reference, calling on whatever resources and information it considers necessary to so do.
- The Committee is authorised to seek any information it requires from any memebr to enable it to discharge its responsibilities and shall have made available to it on a timely basis all information requested from any member in a clear and well Organised manner.
- Committee/its members are not entitles to do any financial transactions for the research projects or will not be permitted to accept any remunerations.
Performance Evaluation
- The Research Committee shall, at least once a year, review its own performance and its terms of reference and shall report its conclusions and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the managing committee.